Assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic

We understand that volatility as we are experiencing right now generates uncertainty and confusion and your options may not be 100% clear.

Are you experiencing or concerned about one or more of the following areas.

As a Commercial Real Estate Owner:

  • Hotels – have you had to close your hotel or are you operating with low occupancy rates that will affect your yearly EBITDA?

  • Student Accommodation – are you experiencing lower take-up occupancy rates for the next academic term?

  • Retail – have your tenants had to close their stores?

  • Offices – are your tenants working from home and asking for a payment holiday?

  • Care homes – have you seen a decrease in your occupancy take-up rates?

As a Real Estate Developer:

  • Your build program needing to be extended

  • Land that you want to delay building on

  • Sales slowing down

As a Buy-to-Let Investor:

  • Your tenants defaulting

  • Entering a payment holiday with your lender

  • Your rights if you own investment property as a limited company

  • Your eviction rights

Sometimes a chat is all that is needed. Just to get foresight of what you can do if these things happen and take action earlier rather than later, when your options may reduce.