Arc & Co. completes £1.15m sustainable investment loan

Arc & Co. advisor Sam Beaumont arranged the five-year facility with a Handelsbanken, secured against a nine-bedroom multi-unit freehold block.

£1m of the first charge loan was used to refinance the existing debt, and £150k was released as equity for cashflow purposes.

EPCs for all the properties were highly rated, making the loan eligible for Handelsbanken’s Sustainable Loan discount.

There was a tight timescale due to an external deadline and despite a few last minute challenges with respect to the property, Sam acted quickly, mediating effectively between the client and the bank.

Sam commented:  

“It was a pleasure working with Handelsbanken to secure this loan for the client, a family trust with a large BTL portfolio. 

“Due to the complexity of the trust structure, we had to carefully structure a deal which worked for the borrower. Philip [Hodgson] and the team were very understanding and flexible, allowing us to get there in the end. 

“Additionally, it’s great to see lenders like Handelsbanken supporting eco-conscious borrowers through incentivised loan criteria.”